Monday, November 9, 2009

When I have the time

Hey its another day! I'm exhausted from a great two hours at Capoeira, and trying to be highly productive on the latest Sniff page I'm working on. Plus 5 hours of sitting at a desk at work, (good times). A few things: check out Julian Casabancas's website, and his great music, especially the song 11th Dimension, its insanely catchy (just select the song to play on the bottom left corner). I ended up buying the song online at - Julian has a Great website design too! Also the the layout of the latest sniff page, I will be showing the process over the next few day I hope. Colour coming soon. And my latest submission to the brilliant zine Potroast, this one is called Begins. Also, I've been reading a very cool called Uncle Ofay's Good-Times Story Corner Adults only content sometimes, and containing some very stimulating thoughts, both visual and thematic. Here

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