Thursday, November 11, 2010

We won the Zinefest award!

(I should've put this up a while ago, its been over two months since the Zinefest... I've just been a bit busy, but here it is.)

Myself and Yah-Wen Ho created a small zine called '1, 2, 3, 4' for the Auckland Zinefest.
We sold out of the zines we had made, and submitted a zine to the competition for Zine of the year. Have you ever heard of a Zine? They are a kind of selfmade publication. In the near future I will try to give some background on what a Zine is, with a little history.

To see the complete Zine '1, 2, 3, 4' jump onto my twitpic page:

Anyway, here is a photo of Yah-wen, the force behind Potroast magazine.

This is our stand set up at the Zinefest:

This is myself and our zine, just to give you an idea of what is looks like.

To check out Potroast's facebook page:

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