Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prints by Paul Landacre

This is a nudge towards the fantastic blog ajourneyroundmyskull

Below, the intriguing and sensual work of  Paul Landacre

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Zines & Mundo

I said I would write a post about Zines, but instead I am going to take the easy way out, and throw up some links for now.

First check out http://zinewiki.com/
It is a resource about Zines, their history and is actively being updated. Unfortunately its hard to actually access the Zines, but there is a bucket-load of information.

Then Check out http://zinelibrary.info/
It has a large archive of zines uploaded by people worldwide. Contains mostly politically focused, which I sometimes find tiresome, but there are many Jems. For example see the black-bloc zine, it is basically a whismical but furtive monolog from the creator, and it implements it's design & layout in interesting and personal ways. Its quite typical of whats a zine often looks like:

But Zines can really be any handmade, hand-produce publication (in my opinion), and I am more interested in zines that take on a narrative or a visual persona (those influenced by comics for example).

Anyway due to lack of time I will just give you one more link http://akzinefest.blogspot.com/
This Zinefest is held in my country yearly, and is a great place to understand the culture and the ideas behind Zines. Yah-wen & myself were lucky enough to win this year's Zine-of-the-year prize, and our Zine is for sale at The high seas gallery

Read Our Zine

 Also I recently created an account at Illustration Mundo which is a very very cool website for illustrators, every illustrator should visit there regularly! So much inspiration!

My Profile

Thursday, November 11, 2010

We won the Zinefest award!

(I should've put this up a while ago, its been over two months since the Zinefest... I've just been a bit busy, but here it is.)

Myself and Yah-Wen Ho created a small zine called '1, 2, 3, 4' for the Auckland Zinefest.
We sold out of the zines we had made, and submitted a zine to the competition for Zine of the year. Have you ever heard of a Zine? They are a kind of selfmade publication. In the near future I will try to give some background on what a Zine is, with a little history.

To see the complete Zine '1, 2, 3, 4' jump onto my twitpic page:


Anyway, here is a photo of Yah-wen, the force behind Potroast magazine.

This is our stand set up at the Zinefest:

This is myself and our zine, just to give you an idea of what is looks like.

To check out Potroast's facebook page:
