Monday, January 3, 2011

You can now download my portfolio from my website!

Yes it's true, it's what you all have been waiting for! At last, the sun has risen, light has flooded your computer screens and you can download a PDF copy of my Illustration porfolio (or design if you like, but that is mostly for the small amount of freelance graphic design clients I get).

Just Jump on the Index page of my website and you will see the link. Also you will noticed I have made my website slightly more easier to use, by placing my most current projects in a feed on the index page. I will add more sections as my portfolio increases. In fact I am going to upload at least 2 more projects in the next month, one displaying the work I have done for an advertising company here in Sao Paulo in the past month and a half, the other another personal project of mine. Also I might put up some work I have been doing on a graphic novel concept, but Inking it is getting me down. Inking a comic page is time consuming to say the least!

Or, to make things easier, download my portfolio from this (very very popular) blog:

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